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Top Solar Products For 2022 – Best Solar Panel, Solar Inverter & Solar Battery

As the year draws to a close we thought it was time to take a look at the top solar products for 2022. It has been a great year for solar, with advancements in both technology and industry paving the way for more Australians to take up solar in their home or business. We have seen records tumble over and over in regards to nationwide use of solar, with entire states running solely on renewable energy on certain days.

With the solar industry becoming more competitive, more focus is being placed on innovating products like solar panels to get the edge. We have seen a surge in demand for solar batteries as people look to boost the value their solar brings to the table. Even the giant power companies, once solely driven by fossil fuels, have refocused their business to accommodate for the influx of residential solar.

As we look to 2023 on the horizon we can’t help but think Australia has a bright future ahead when it comes to renewable energy.

Our Judging Criteria For Finding The Best Solar Products

We have no exclusivity agreements with any manufacturers which means we are free to offer the best product possible based on our clients needs. We are always on the lookout for new and exciting products which means we get the chance to see how they perform in real world scenarios. Some panels or inverters might promise the world but fail to deliver when put to work. We evaluate all of our products based on how they perform, not what they tell us.

Efficiency is another big factor when it comes to finding the top solar products on the market. Your solar power system is an investment and we want to find components that help you achieve the fastest return on investment (ROI) possible. This means keeping an eye out for panels and inverters that have technological improvements designed to help achieve our goal. Performance warranties are also part of this and are a must in order to protect our clients investment for years to come.

Best Solar Panel: Seraphim Dual Glass Solar Panel

Seraphim did away with the standard polymer backing present on solar panels, replacing it with tempered glass. The resulting panel is incredibly resilient, resulting in less power degradation as the years go on. The panels are tested in extreme weather conditions and the added layer of glass results in a stronger design that is resistant to micro-cracks and snail trails.

Performance also receives a slight boost, with the panel delivering more power over the years when compared to its competition. This means more value for consumers and this is backed up by a massive 30 year warranty, 5 years more than industry standard. The warranty also stands out because it promises just under 85% output at 30 years which is impressive. Seraphim is a solar industry mainstay which means the warranty can be taken seriously.

top solar products - seraphim dual glass solar panels

Best Solar Inverter: Sungrow New Generation Inverter

Sungrow is a market leader when it comes to solar inverters and their new generation offers even more reasons to give them a go. Sungrow’s Gen3 inverters feature a lower startup voltage which means your inverter starts processing energy earlier in the morning. A wide MPPT range means you get the most out of your panels, improving your entire system’s output. Stray currents occurring on your panels are also helped by Sungrow’s built in PID recovery.

Safety is a big feature here, with the inverter featuring an integrated arc fault circuit interrupter as well as surge protection. So we have a new range of inverters that are designed to get the most out of your solar system while delivering power as safely as possible. They also look great and are very easy to use, with real time monitoring and wireless updating. We have gotten nothing but positive feedback when using the new generation of Sungrow inverters and this is another reason why they are inverter of the year.

top solar products - sungrow new generation inverter

Best Solar Battery: Sungrow Solar Battery

Solar batteries are becoming extremely popular as solar proves itself and the search to increase the value it brings begins. We stock a wide range of solar batteries but the one that has proved itself time and time again is the SBR range from Sungrow. These batteries boast a depth of discharge of 100%, meaning you get more out of your cycles, giving you more value for money. Safety is also at the forefront, with over / under voltage protection, overcurrent protection and a DC breaker all baked in.

The SBR range of solar batters can output up to 30A, using lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) as the storage technology. Something that really makes Sungrow’s solar batteries stand out is the modular design. This means you can expand your solar storage with ease, adding more modules to your existing bank as your home or business grows. Modular design is something that is always appreciated in solar and we have always been impressed with the batteries performance in our installations.

top solar products - sungrow solar battery

What’s Next For Solar In 2023

Next year we expect to see a lot more emphasis placed on useability and modular design. Solar has moved past its introductory phase and is now a normalised aspect of renewable energy for homes and commercial interests. Typically this means products become more refined as technology and manufacturing improve. Better user interfaces, easier monitoring and improved aesthetics are all areas we expect to see further improvements on in the upcoming year.

Considering so much of solar revolves around efficiency, we look forward to seeing panels and inverters designed to give you as much as possible from your roof space. As more and more people look to expand their solar system, we expect to see more batteries like the SBR range from Sungrow pop up, with the easily upgradeable storage being a massive boon for consumers. We are also looking forward to improved infrastructure from power providers in order to cater to virtual power plants.

Get A Quote From Experienced Solar Specialists

If you have been considering making a change to solar and would like to know more, give Global Solar a call on 1800 255 474. Our solar consultants have been working in the industry for years and are there to offer invaluable advice and insights. We will always make sure that solar is of benefit to your home or business before recommending a package to suit your needs. We also cater to system upgrades and the sale of individual components for those DIY solar enthusiasts.

If you would like to get in touch with us online about a quote, please click here. Filling in our online quote form only takes a minute and means you can get on with your day while we get back to you with any information you need.