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5 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Solar

After we carry out a solar installation it is becoming increasingly common for clients to get in touch with us about getting more out of their solar setup. As the benefits solar affords your home or business begin to kick in it makes sense to look for ways to further the savings and the good news is there are plenty of options. Here are 5 ways to get more out of your solar power.

Install A Solar Battery

Depending on your working schedule, a solar battery is one of the best ways to get the most out of solar power. Solar generates its power during the day but most of us use the bulk of our electricity during the evening. Installing a solar battery lets you save the energy gathered by your solar panels during the day for use in the evening and this will have a dramatic impact on your power bill.

Finding the right solar battery depends on your power demands, budget and current solar setup. You may also be eligible for rebates depending on what initiatives your state government has running. Our solar consultants can work with you to establish what battery will best meet your needs and provide any additional information you require.

get more from your solar with a solar battery

Find A Better Power Company

Power providers were initially slow to accommodate homes with solar power installed but have steadily changed their tune as the industry has boomed. As the landscape starts to shift we now see providers offering plans that aim to take advantage of your solar power system. These plans can include integration into virtual power plants which we will discuss later in this article.

The proliferation of solar has also seen a bevy of new power providers emerge and determining the best deal for you can seem like a daunting prospect. In order to make this process easier we have recently established a power plan comparison tool. This tool takes your current plan and compares it against dozens of other providers in your area to find the deal that benefits you the most.

find a better power provider

Maintain Your Solar Power System

Solar power systems are pretty robust and do not require much maintenance on a regular basis. Having said that, it is recommended that you have maintenance carried out once every 2 years, including a health check of all components to make sure your system is still operating optimally. If you notice a decrease in the output of your solar system, an inspection might be a good idea.

We provide solar system maintenance as a service to existing clients and new ones. This includes a complete inspection and monitoring of all components to ensure everything is running as it should be. We can also wash your solar panels should they require it, making sure you get the most out of your sunshine. With our expertise and experience you can rest assured your solar system is in good hands.

solar system maintenance and cleaning

Virtual Power Plants

If you have a solar battery, joining a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is certainly an option. A virtual power plant allows you to share any excess renewable energy stored in your solar battery. It does this by creating a network of participating homes using cutting edge technology in order to create a renewable energy grid that distributes clean energy to homes in the area.

One of the best aspects about virtual power plants is that it enables the distribution of renewable energy to homes who are still on the traditional grid. This lowers dependency on fossil fuels across the country and this is great news. It also means you can get even more value out of your solar power, giving you more savings while also having a positive impact on the environment.

save more on solar with virtual power plants

Monitor Energy Generation

Solar power is, for the most part, a set and forget installation. That doesn’t mean you cannot benefit from keeping an eye on your system’s power output in order to catch any drop that might denote an issue within your setup. It can also let you know if you are generating excess power that is not being used which can be an indicator that a solar battery would be put to good use.

Monitoring the system’s performance can be done from the inverter’s LCD display which will keep track of daily output and other metrics. Depending on the manufacturer of the inverter, you can also take advantage of apps and web portals for easy updates and the ability to set up alerts should your expected power output drop. Given that your solar system is an investment, it makes sense to keep an eye on it.

monitor solar system power output

Want More Information About Solar Power?

If you would like to know more about solar power, its benefits, or how to get the most out of your solar system, give us a call on 1800 255 474. Our experienced solar consultants are able to answer any questions you may have and provide invaluable insights that only come from years in the field. We take our solar seriously and feel this is reflected in every aspect of our business from our consultants through to our quality products and installation procedures.

You can also get in touch with us online by visiting our contact page and filling in our online form. We stock a wide range of quality solar components including solar panels, solar inverters, batteries and more, all from reputable and proven manufacturers. We look forward to hearing from you soon and discussing the benefits solar power can bring to your home or business.